The official start date when we release Module 1: Fun is Tuesday October 1st.

I’m sure you can remember how nervous and excited you were when you signed uo for Live More Weigh Less back in April.  It would mean so much to me and the new members if you would take the time to introduce yourself as an Alum and tell them that they did the right thing by signing up. Make them feel super loved and included, I know you will.

I wanted to let you know about a few alum ground rules:

1. Live laser coaching is only available to the new members.  We’re going to have another large group this year, and I want to give the new members as much support as possible just I like I offered you!  If there is time within the two hour block, please feel free to raise your hand.

2. Please ask as many questions and reach out for support in our members forum.

3. Remember that I am NOT present in the facebook group.  I love that you have that space to connect, but if you see someone struggling, please encourage them to reach out on the members site, so I can help them.

4. I am going to strictly enforce a “no complaining zone” this year.  Instead of rattling off long lists of how everything is terrible (cathartic but not productive) I want people to tell us what’s going on and then say “this is what I’m planning on doing about it: X, Y, Z.  Any other ideas?”  My job is to get you to change, not vent:).  You don’t need to police this but please lead by example.

5. If you or someone you see has a tech question, or complaint about the program please email us directly at [email protected].  We can’t help you if it’s posted to the facebook group or on the forum.  If you see someone doing this, please remind them to email us.

6.  Once the program starts we will be releasing the modules one week at a time, if you need later modules, please download them to your computer now.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have an army of such warm, open, inspiring women in this program.  I can’t wait to be your coach again for the next two months and to watch you mentor this new group.

See you soon!



Design: Jane Reaction. Development: Brandi Bernoskie.