[showafter starttime=”June 15,2012 7:00am”]
I highly encourage you to download all four sessions to your ipod to listen to this week. I’ve included all four sessions in the zip drive below. Just ctrl click/save link as to download, or right click/save link as if you’re on a PC.

[membership_download_item_zip link=”http://www.sarahjenks.com/audio/Module_3_Audios.zip” + target=”_self”]Module 3 Audio Files[/membership_download_item_zip]

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Or you can listen to them on your computer:

Session 1


Session 2


Session 3


Session 4


Session 5


Please download your handouts for this Module below

[membership_download_item_pdf link=”http://www.sarahjenks.com/pdf/Module_3_Handouts.zip” + target=”_self”]Module 3 Handouts[/membership_download_item_pdf]

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Please use the comments below to respond to any of
my action steps, ask for help, or to brag;) Talk soon!


Design: Jane Reaction. Development: Brandi Bernoskie.